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Sunday, August 30, 2009

HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY TO ALL DEAR TEACHERS!!! at first a bit sian cos joey they all all councillors, P.S. me!.
after that not very fun...
bla bla bla.
after sch mr quek came to class to give geog paper. i get 33/35 :) 3 cheers for miie!
(joye want me to write: cheer for her as she pass her geog! 17.5/35///she very lol rite!)
after that go give teachers day present to some teachers....
den go imac lab...which is where i am in now :0
we go in, purposely dun give mr jansen present hahahha...evil us...
after awhile when he taking pictures of his presents, shaw en say: i noe u are waiting for our present rite! hahaha...
but still haven give. after tht go compass with joey and shaw en for lunch. keep convincing shaw en t say no to him. our topic for the lunch break is "SAY NO TO HIM!"
i sent a model msg to shaw en and she sent to him... now they are purely frenS!!!
3 cheers to my dear sis!
hip hip hurray!
hip hip hurray!
hip hip hurray!

10:50 PM

Saturday, August 29, 2009

i am here to post again! haha...
today went to joey's house to do teachers day present...met at heartland mall with ming hao, james, beatrice, shaw en and of cos, joey.
we do do do...
after that joey wanted to send a msg to jansen using beatrice's hp..den beatrice ran out...and we decided to tease her. cos joey's toilet is connected to his bro's room. so we locked her room, den struggled with her at the damn funny de la...
after that they started saying that that someone like shaw en...den we say that shaw en cannot be with him!!!..
here, if that person c this post, i want to tell him: dun ever tink of woo-ing my dear sis cos she is far too gd for u!..hahaha...i noe i am evil but i am stating the fact (true right!!!)
after that, me, shaw en and joey used our hp to use beatrice's name to send mushy msgs to jansen...haha...
den when we were at down floor to wait for joey's mum, joey commented that: y guys always like gal who likes to act cute!..
ming hao immediate reaction is : NO!(cos the gal he like is damn fierce and everytime scold him!!)
after that when we were in joey's mum car, cos is only 5 seater, ning zhen sat on beatrice's leg, shaw en sat on mine and poor james, ming hao and joey's bro, ron, sat on his...haha...
in the car, i ask ming hao since when he started likng that gal, he said: end or march or around april!!!..
hahahahahha...thats all...bye~

7:18 AM

Friday, August 28, 2009

now, i suddenly feel that, is friendship fragile? is it fragile? everybody have different characters, when they come together, can they still be gd frens? can they? i just think that a in a friendship, everyone should make an effort to accept the flaws of one another, and make an effort to make this valuable friendship last as long as it could :) i just think that friendship is really abt trusting one another. Don't u all agree? haha...suddenly so emo... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. fren, cheer up k?

1:53 AM

Thursday, August 27, 2009

miie again :)... now in the imac lab...
review of my results :
science: overall 69.4/100. add 0.6 can get A le leh!! argh..
chinese: overall 74.6/100 add 0.4 can get A le!!!!
eng: overall 59.3/100 add 0.7 can get B le!!... 
feel like killing myself!!...haha...jkjk...
hisory: 22/25...quite gd le least i am the top in class XD. same as Xi Wen...
today DandT that time super gan(1) ga(4)...(jory, shaw en, beatrice, feng xia and valecia should know wat i am talking abt.) just want to say sorry to her. is abt grping...
at last, grped with joey, valecia, ming hao and yong jian... when havng discussion valecia and ming hao keep playing den joey and i split them away. haha
yong jian and ming hao keep talking crap...didn't know that yong jian is so crappy. tot he is a very serious person... haha..dun judge a book by its cover!..haha
den feng xia, shaw en, beatrice, guang hui and zhi yi in another group. 
our grp name is bobsquare and theirs is sponge pants. haha.. cool rite!.. add together is sponge box square pants!...
after that during recess, me ad marlene keep eating the M&M chocolate that shaw en brought!.haa...
next is just boring lessons...
den after school got the ATTICS lesson.  during the lesson which only some of us attended, James and Ming Hao kept on shooting rubber bands towards me, shaw en and valecia!. haha...
and after awhile, when the rubber band come to us, shaw en kept it in her pocet and act as if she duno where is it. she say " where ar, where ar??" if james and ming hao c tis post they will know where is it le..haha... 
after that, we keep teasing that james like eleen and he say he want to puke. he actually puked sth out!.. he drank water, den go to the back of the class den puke it out. FUNNY rite!. haha. 
after the lesson, joey came to find us and we went to the canteen. saw jia xuan like there emo-ing so we approached him. We asked him when he started liking her and he said it was at the end of 
May!.. OMG! luckily he same _ _ _ as her, if not duno how he survive for the 1 mth long holi... but still she didn't accept her. hope she will la!...  words to the gal: He is a very good guy! Agree rite(joey, shaw en, feng xia, beatrice, valecia and the rest of 1A..haha) tag if u agree!..haha..
and after that i went to imac lab and here i was, posting. bye~

11:32 PM

Long Long Long time nv post le... now exams are over and i am back to post!!! results are soso la...(except for maths XD)
so far the results i get back
Sci: 28/40
Maths 49/50
chi: 76/100
Eng: 26/50(considered not bad XD)
say abt my family has expanded...
initiall have Beatrice, Joey, Shaw En and Valecia..
Ning Zhen. Green Veggie! haha...she is the 4th sister.
Marlene. GH's potato!!!...haha... 5th sister.
James. Nick name is Orkki-TangYuan!..haha... 7th brother
Ming Hao. Histirian(damn pro in it!)... 8th brother...
And Of cos, our nanny, Feng XIAA!!(Green Dwarf)
nth much to post la...
but found out that some of the ppl in my class have changed a lot...but most of the ones whom i dislike during the 1st half of the yr, now i find that they are actually quite ok...but some are still as bad and sarcastic.. :( ...haha...
today, quite a few ppl cried during eng lesson because they failed... :(
and i found out that Jia Xuan is so COOL and duno how to describe!!!! He is truely Awesome! i am sure everybody who heard wat i said will agree!!...
although he pass, but when he saw her cry, he went up to her immediately...but just daze at her, not daring to say anything...AGREE???

Lastly, congrats that potato and shine are together for... 2 weeks and 5 days!...but they are so shy...
everytime one person go towards another, the other will go away... haha...
Very Very lastly, We all think that Mr Jansen rocks!...haha XD
thats all...dun say i nv post le hor!..haha

5:25 AM